Ivanovich Vologdin

Russia • 1889−1938

Biografie und Informationen

He worked in the publishing house "East-Siberian Pravda" on the design of book covers.

The artistic legacy of Alexander Vologdina, according to information available to us, it was pillaged or destroyed. Remember him as a remarkable teacher, his students, and one of them, now people's artist of Russia Vitaly Rogal.

In the house on the street grandma lived and worked the artist, who took for himself the nickname AHNA. His grave is not found in Irkutsk cemeteries. Documents, records, photographs and all the works were destroyed by the decision of the Troika of the NKVD. Now under his name only and you can write: Vologdin, Aleksandr Ivanovich (EHNA), 8 October 1937 illegally arrested, March 8, 1957 he was posthumously rehabilitated.

He sat in the dark, smoke-filled study investigator and answered questions:

- Birth year and place?

- 1889, Irkutsk

- Where do you live?

- Grandma, 17

- Where and whom you work?

Artist; President of East-Siberian regional Union of Soviet artists. Taught in isopentane.

- How long are the Chairman?

- Since 1933, since the organization.

- Teach?

- 1932.

- On the basis of what document you are teaching?

- Diploma from Irkutsk state art Studio-workshop

I. L. Kopylov.

Is there taught bourgeois methods of treatment of young people?

- I was taught this by parents.

- Parents know everything. They explicitly or implicitly tried to argue about the correctness of the path of the Soviet regime. So they continued sitting in front of me. There are some arguments about art? Your colleagues have written an appeal to the NKVD, to stop corrupting young minds with lies about how there and here.

- Excuse me, but to teach art without a glance at the achievements of the world civilization is not possible. All the classics in Italy and in France, in Germany and in England.

- That's it! It's interesting, what's your connection with these bourgeois geeks? Yes no, but I can't deny the admiration for the masters of painting who have endlessly learning.

- So you have to learn!?

- I'm not going to give it up.

- Specifically who you can call?

- Cezanne, Claude Monet...

- You have a conversation with them?

- No.

- I have your report on the 1st regional conference of artists of Eastern Siberia. I need explanation on this text. I read: "Fine arts intensively penetrates in public life, the artist is required everywhere, though still only as a performer, designer and poster artist, but not far from the time when a truly high art will attract public attention not less, than now, any serious manifestation of material construction," you want to say that there is no genuine art?

- Art can not be copies of copies. How many wonders for creativity! But the youth can not develop without this freedom, which give authentic knowledge, and not by reproducing. You want to accuse me of belittling the values of time, and I just want to, as it is valuable to raise to the heights. What wine, who want to see further and go high in the mountains? This inevitably comes from a desire to improve all around. To this I said words that you read.

- You can save confusing words without a definite answer for the call to rebellion against the fact that the Soviet power is building, and like you – destroy. I don't see that you have a desire to repent and to confess. With a guilty mind wouldn't understand. To confess you were given the opportunity, but the denial of the failed and harmful.

The bullets stopped the life of an artist. Before death all instantly swept. And the faces of those who smiled from the pleasure of revenge, to whose words seemed a reproach to the mediocrity member of the Union of Soviet artists.

(the author-Marina Nusinova, neosmectine, Irkutsk)