Sergeevich Rogal

Russia • 1915−2004

Vs Rogal was born in the village of Snegirevka, Kiev region, on August 9, 1915. After graduating from the seven-year period in 1934-35, he studied at the working school of the Kharkov Construction Institute. Together with his family, Vitaly Sergeevich arrived in Siberia and in 1936 entered the Irkutsk isopedtechnic. Here he learned the basics of skill, improved his talent. His teachers were A. Vologdin, A. Zhibinov, A. Rudenko. In the first year of the Great Patriotic War, he volunteered for the front, where he did not spare himself to defend his homeland. Despite the difficulties and injuries to front-line life, all the years of the war, V.S. Rogal never parted with a brush and pencil. In his travel album of the front-line soldier, etudes and sketches, he documented the realities of war with documentary certainty. At the front, there were several exhibitions of his work.

After the victory, since 1947, Vitaly Sergeevich worked as an artist at the production workshops of the Irkutsk Regional Society "Artist", and in the same year he was accepted as a member of the Regional Union of Artists. In 1948 he was elected chairman of the regional Union of Artists, in 1951 - chairman of the Irkutsk branch of the Art Fund. Since 1952, V.S. Rogal constantly participated in the All-Union and Republican art exhibitions, where he was repeatedly awarded diplomas and awards. At the First All-Union Congress of Soviet Artists VS Rogal was elected a member of the board of the Union of Artists of the USSR, and at the founding congress of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR - a member of the board from the Siberian and Far East zones. He was repeatedly appointed chairman of the regional exhibition committee "Socialist Siberia."

Along with his active social activities, Vitaly Sergeevich continued his creative work, singing the beauty of the Siberian region, seeking to penetrate the original secrets of nature. His works “Wildflowers”, “Village of Nikola”, “Evening on Baikal” and others received wide recognition and recognition. Not only natural wealth, but also the work of Siberians for many years became the main theme of Rohal's creativity. Under his leadership, organized creative groups of artists traveling to new Siberia. The artist himself has traveled all over Siberia and the Far East, Altai, the Pamirs, and the Caucasus. Mongolia has become a special passion and love of the artist for twenty years. The works of different years devoted to Mongolia, such as "Kingdom of Sands", "Storm in the Gobi", "Open spaces of Bulgan", "Past Gobi", "At the Sacred Lake", are imbued with a special look of the master on one of the most amazing countries of Central Asia. In 1977, the first personal exhibition of V.S. Rohal in Ulan Bator, and then a personal exhibition in Irkutsk and a creative trip to Mongolia with the exhibition "The roads of friendship."

Skill and creative originality of VS Rogal received wide acclaim. In 1962 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, and ten years later - the Honored Artist of the RSFSR. In 1980, for his great contribution to Russian art, he received the title of national artist of Russia. The state highly appreciated the artist’s meritorious service to the Fatherland. Vitaly Sergeevich was awarded two Orders of the Red Star, the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

In 1999, the honorary citizen of Irkutsk, VS Rogal gave his richest collection and archive-chronicle as a gift to the city of Irkutsk. Now the artist's works, materials about his life and work are placed in the exposition halls of the branch of the Museum of History of the city of Irkutsk - the city exhibition center named after the national artist of Russia V.S. Rohal

Vitaly Sergeevich Rogal passed away, but his work remained, the bright memory of him as a man of great soul remained, holy and devotedly serving his Motherland, who loved Siberia and generously gave her his talent and heart to the end of his days. And his friends, colleagues, contemporaries and descendants will remember this with gratitude.

Participation in exhibitions:


interregional (Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Chita) - 1944; (Novosibirsk) - 1945, 1947, 1953; (Irkutsk) - 1956, 1966, 1971; (Ulan-Ude) - 1950;

zonal - since 1964;

Republican (Moscow) - since 1952;

All-Union (Moscow) - 1957, 1967, 1970, 1986;

foreign (Afghanistan, Kabul) - 1979; (Japan, Tokyo, Kanazawa) - 1973, 1974; (Italy, Rome) - 1975; (PRC, Beijing) - 1955, 1957; (Mongolia, Ulan Bator, Sukhe Bator) - 1973; (Ulan Bator) - 1981, 1983, 1984;

Personal (Irkutsk) - 1956, 1965, 1967, 1972, 1973, 1976, 1982, 1983, 1985;

personal, mobile (Moscow, Minsk, Angarsk, Omsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Tomsk. Krasnoyarsk, Ulan-Ude, Vitebsk).


Ivashkovsky V. The picture is written half a century. East Siberian truth. 1990. August 15th.

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