Vladimirovich Gorlov

Russia • 1899−1988

In 2000, the 100th anniversary of honored artist of the RSFSR, sculptor, animal, graphics, Gorlov D. V. compiled and published a bibliography of "the Wizard of animalism".

Honored artist of the RSFSR

What to measure the proportion of a person's life? Until life is over, nobody can say how and to what extent in the universal cycle of life it affects the world around us. But the path is completed, and suddenly become painfully sensitive aborted connection.

A rainbow shined over the open grave of Dmitrii Vladimirovich Gorlov in Tarusa August 12, 1988, at the time of his funeral, opened to him the gates to eternity, and we outlined the beauty of the end of this way. He died the 8th day of the 8th month, 88 year, 88 years old.

His early works, such as sculptural toy Red horse full of earthly power, freestyle elements, so appealing to children in toys, through which they learn to understand nature. so probably animal toy life was accompanied by a Guttural artist, his toys are constantly reminded of the importance of human contact with his younger brothers.

1923-the year - he recalls. - The publishing house Blue bird out my first book made from beginning to end - Lobo the king of Currumpaw. Seton Thompson is my favourite writer. Lobo the king of Currumpaw was the first link, not completely, but convinced me to some degree that the art must to do the right things go to the people to Love the desired things around us, - person, nature, work, materials in which or with which work. This idea is subordinated to all my art. If my stuff cause warm feelings, sympathy, joy, for me is a lot. I believe that it is not nothing worked.To work despite the presence or lack of orders, always find the point of application for their creative potential, not to shun the opportunity to be needed at the teacher as educator, counselor, zoo worker, designer of exhibitions, books, art consultant, chief painter at a ceramic factory, a maker of children's toys, being in constant thought about life, about work, its place in art.

At the Gzhel factory from 1943 to 1945, the throat constantly exhibits, opening for themselves and their colleagues the widest range of possibilities of ceramics: terracotta sculptures, figurines, ceramic multicolored panels, wall reliefs, decorative tiles, etc.

I have no favourite material, "he writes," is a favorite topic: any material is interesting, but the most interesting is to pick up the keys to it. And he worked in wood, stone, terracotta, majolica, faience, fireclay, porcelain, metal, papier-mâché: Mr considered himself primarily a sculptor-animalist, but never parted with a pencil and a pen. Drawing was to him so imperative that by the end of his life the artist was stunned by the number drawn and written.

The Studio apartment is 100 km from Moscow, in the village of Sokolova Desert, where Dmitrii Vladimirovich Gorlov has lived for the last forty years of his 88-year-old life, filled with his manuscripts. From there he went to the reserves: Pushchino, nearby or far Askania-Nova. There still lived in a fantasy-soprirodny the conditions of his beloved bison, whose strength, resilience and will to survive was Gorlova symbol of true life. He sculpted, they devoted reliefs: bison lying, female-bison and a baby bison, Valia tree - the power, the will, helpless tenderness:Ungulates was for him an inexhaustible source of creative observations. But most friends and loved ones was the image of the wolf. In Tarussky Museum is a sculpture of a Wolf coming from the forest, carved in polybrene height of 1.5 m. Here are excerpts from the letter of the artist Vasily Alekseevich Vatagin: Mitya, darling and cute! For forty years, or rather one year has passed since that beautiful time, how fate brought us!: I remember I was sitting in the zoo and dragons pheasants for marmot, and there you are, sharp-eyed young man, to get acquainted with me long since then you retain your youthful appearance and was known as my son.Now we both have gray hair, and our ages were getting closer. For forty years we live close to you, busy a common cause - the construction of animalism is something when I helped you, and you, always principled and direct, corrected my unfortunately frequent error:Tarusa and Ascania, common interests and sympathies joined us, heart and intimacy is not lacking:

In 1954-1955 Dmitry, not having formalized the order, fashioned eight reliefs on the themes of Krylov's fables (itself a monument to Krylov was done by sculptor Shaposhnikov). the decision of the reliefs of the Pig under an Oak tree, the Wolf and the Crane, the lion and the Wolf was completely original and imbued with a deep understanding of creativity of I. A. Krylov. When discussing all the efforts of the arts Council was designed not to miss work, do not give her a chance to be implemented. But the desire of the artist to bring the case to the end was stronger. Now Gorlovka bas-reliefs surrounding the monument that has become a favorite in the city.

In the late 50-ies of Gorlovka Mature porcelain sculpture of a small lynx and the donkey was awarded at the international exhibition in Brussels, gold medal For fidelity to national traditions.

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