Alexandrovich Aristov

Russia • geboren in 1923

In the Islands in 1950, he entered the graphic Department, 1953переведен in the painting Department, and in 1957 dismissed as not appeared for classes in 1965. the decision of the State Committee ekzamenatsionniy received a diploma.

(22.05. 1923, S. Tarutino Chesmensky district of Chelyabinsk region – 31.10.1984, Chelyabinsk), artist-teacher, participant Led. Otech. war. B. in the family of a tailor. The first lessons of the Fig. received from brother I. A. Aristova. Graduated from Sverdlovsk arts. Uch-school (1950), Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. Ilya Repin – the art Studio of V. M. Oreshnikov (1957). Worked hands. the art Studio of the Kachkanar mining and metallurg. plant and Ms. teacher of the school in Formation (1957-67), lecturer at rice. and song, Deputy dir. in the educational part of the children's art school People. (1967-75), he taught Fig. and composition directed cycle spec. disciplines People. art school (1975-84). PED. work began after Ms. school No. 10 Seam. The life of A. is related to the organization and formation of arts. education of the Reservoir and People. During the formation of the people of arts. schools and ucda participated in the drafting of educational plans and programmes, create methodical. Fund, the common requirements in teaching special. items. Great attention was paid to the organization of the workplace students: designed furniture, special. equipment and accessories, created methodical. samples and tables for classes Fig. and plasticity. anatomy. PED. the experience passed on to younger colleagues: lectures on. the refresher courses of teachers of drawing obscheobrazovat. and of arts. schools in the region., region and mountains. seminars, participated in Rep. and region. scientific.-practical. Conf. Students A. teachers working in the arts. Ying-tah, and Uch-cabbage soup, obscheobrazovat. and specials. schools of the Russian Federation and CIS countries, Persons. and region.

(author V. P. Prokop'ev)

Lit.: P R o K o p l e in V. Calling // of the Czech Republic. 1984. 30 Sept.; Tu m b a s o V A. Wreath our friend // Znamya Oktyabrya (Plast). 1984. 27 Nov.

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