Zholtovsky Ivan Vladimirovich
Student of the Academy of arts in 1887 it Received a silver medal in 1890 – 2; in 1893 – 1. November 2, 1898 – the title of artist-architect for the project: "people's house." 26 Oct 1909 – the title of academician.
15(27).11.1867, Pinsk, now the Brest region, - 16.7.1959, Moscow], Soviet architect, honored worker of science and arts of the RSFSR (1932), honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of the Byelorussian SSR (1947). He studied at St. Petersburg Academy of arts (1887-98), and in 1909 received the title of academician of architecture. In the early works Zholtovsky skillfully used compositional techniques and architectural motifs of the Renaissance (the house of the former Racing community in Skakovaya alley, 1903-05; former mansion of A. Tarasova street Tolstoy, 1909-10; both - in Moscow). Well developed creative activity zholtovskogo in Soviet times. In 1918-23, he participated in the drafting of the reconstruction plan of Moscow, was the author of the master plan and a number of pavilions of the all-Russian agricultural and handicraft industrial exhibition in Moscow (1923). Using the forms of classical architecture were built: the building of the state Bank in Moscow (1927-29), government House (now the agricultural Institute) to Makhachkala (1927-28), a house in the square 50-letiya October in Moscow (1933-34), the party Committee in Sochi (1934-36); the residential building on Leninsky Prospekt (1949; State prize of the USSR, 1950), near Smolensk square (1950) and Mira (1957), the racetrack (1951-55) in Moscow.
Zholtovsky was a prominent theoretician of architecture (in 1938, in his translation published the full text of the treatise by Palladio in the following years published a number of theoretical works) and educator (head of the architectural workshop school at the Institute "Mosproekt", 1953-59). Awarded the order of Lenin and other orders and medals.