Trofimovich Gorlach

Germany • geboren in 1917

Biografie und Informationen

Thesis in the CVC - "I. V. Michurin", the evaluation - excellent. The training took place at the sculpture faculty. Qualification of artist-sculptor.

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

After 6 classes, was adopted without examination in the Annunciation teachers College N 1 in the art Department. Then he was 14 years old. In 1937 he graduated from College and tried to enter the Academy of arts, but did not. Then Boris got a job in high school. In his spare time he attended art classes, which was located in the teacher's House. There he learned a lot, including from the well-known artist Petrov-Vodkin. In 1939 he went to the soldiers and fought until November ' 45. The war greatly undermined the health, but what offends me most - worsened vision. He could do a small sculpture, so he dedicated himself to the glorification of our army's victory over Germany in the plaques and monuments. For my life has developed 22 major projects, of which 20 are brought to life. Currently, there are several works in progress. However Boris Trofimovich due to the deterioration of vision afraid not have time to finish. (A. Ilyin)