Petrovich Vitali

Russia • 1794−1855

Attended workshop of A. Triscorni in St. Petersburg and classes at the Academy of fine arts. In Moscow headed the branch workshop Triscorni. Many of the buildings in Moscow, decorated with sculptures by I. P. Vitali (building Board of Trustees on the bag, the facade of the building Technical school, lots of fountains, etc.). Took an active part in the artistic life of Moscow, performed sculptural portraits classic wing (A. S. Pushkin, K. P. Bryullov, etc.).

Born in St. Petersburg, the son of Italian moulder. Initially trained under his father, then at the sculpture Studio A. Triscorni (1806-1818) in St. Petersburg, at the same time attended classes at IAH as volnoprihodyaschego student. Lived in Moscow (1818-1840). Has executed decorative compositions for the building of the Opera of the Council, statues and reliefs for the arc de Triomphe in memory of the heroes of the war of 1812, gravestones and decorative reliefs. One of the founders of the Field class in Moscow (1832); taught in Art class (1833) and, later, at the RSC. Used the tips sculpture I. T. Timofeev, assistant I. P. Martos. Recognized as the class artist (1836). Created a portrait of Alexander Pushkin (1837). Received the title of academician (1840) bust of V. K. Shebuev. Returned to St Petersburg (1841) in connection with the participation in the work on the sculptural decoration of St. Isaac's Cathedral. Professor of the 2nd degree (1842) and teacher at the Imperial Academy of arts, Professor 1st degree (1852). The author of the bas-reliefs for pediments of St. Isaac's Cathedral, the statue of Emperor Paul I in Gatchina, a number of busts and. Honorary sculptor at the Hermitage Museum (1850). Many worked in the field of memorial sculpture, known as the master of portrait busts.

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