Fedorovich Morokin

Russia • geboren in 1945

Born April 24, 1945 in Staraya Vichuga Vichuga district of Ivanovo region. Member of the Union of artists of Russian Federation since 1974. Godoh in 1960-1965 he studied at the Palekh art school. Teacher - B. M. Nemtinov. In 1968-1975, he worked at the Palekh art-production workshops. In 1989 he was elected Chairman of the Palekh branch of the Union of artists of the RSFSR.

Was engaged in monumental painting (Banquet hall of the restaurant "Palekh" in Palekh (1976), the lobby of the State concert hall "Russia" under the leadership of B. M. nemtinova (1971), a tales of school. A. S. Pushkin in Moscow (1976), a kindergarten in the city of Obninsk, Kaluga region (1989), Maher monastery in Cyprus (1999)), icons. In 1991-1992 were involved with the creation of the iconostasis of the Church of Elijah the Prophet in Palekh. Themes of works: folklore, literature, history, genre scenes. Participant of exhibitions since 1972.

The work of V. F. Morokin are stored in museums: gmpi, timing, Umgeni, Ivanovo, OKM, Pgaas.

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