Vasilyevich Kuznetsov

Russia • 1886−1943
Even Turgenev said that a single picture can represent events occurring in the 10 pages of the book. The profession of Illustrator important and popular not only in today's world. The same, and, perhaps, the more value it represented 100 years ago. One of those who is at the origin of the domestic illustration, is a well-known painter, printmaker, book Illustrator and animator Konstantin Kuznetsov, Creator of its unique techniques of printmaking through the cardboard.

This immortal author of recognizable and unique image of children's books 20-40 years last century. Illustrator Konstantin Vasilyevich Kuznetsov was involved in the design of more than 200 books, which grew more than one generation, as many of them were repeatedly reprinted and years after his death. He was also one of the founders of the school children's book illustration and participant of many national and international exhibitions.

Like drawing and engraving he has mastered on his own, having no formal artistic training. Perhaps this contributed to the creation of the artist Konstantin Kuznetsov his method of engraving. In the beginning of the century the activity of the painter was devoted to sketches of toys. As an Illustrator K. Kuznetsov worked in several publications, creating between the cartoons for the posters and programmes of theatre.

In 20-30-s of XX century the activity of the artist Konstantin Kuznetsov was the creation of illustrations for books in collaboration with various publishers and magazines, the fine guidance of the children's circle and the work of the Illustrator for the Museum of children's books in Moscow. He worked on the easel engravings and lithographs, constantly experimenting with different techniques. The organizer of the children's circle and author of the textbook "I am a printer", he taught children and adults the fundamentals of book printing.

In 30-40 years K. Kuznetsov directs his creativity to a whole new sphere – the animation, taking part in the creation of such well-known Soviet cartoons as "Aybolit", "the Tale of Tsar Saltan" and "Beater". In the same period he joined the Union of artists of the USSR.

Features of the artist Konstantin Kuznetsov

Favorite and inspiring stories with illustrations and paintings of the artist Kuznetsova has always been Russian folk tales. Literary works of A. Pushkin, A. P. Chekhov, Sergei Aksakov, Bazhov, S. Black, L. N. Zilov, Agnes Barto, A. I. Vvedensky, S. Marshak and many other writers, too, were not ignorant of the artist. Exhibited in many exhibitions of the time method of hand-engraving, invented by K. Kuznetsov, included the use of dry needles, cardboard, pastels and watercolors. This technique makes illustrations, paintings and engravings of the artist Kuznetsova unique.

Famous paintings of the artist Kuznetsova

The most recognizable pictures and to be precise, the illustrations of the artist Konstantin Vasilyevich Kuznetsov to the appropriate folk tales include: "Snegurochka," "How Brer rabbit frightened his neighbors", "Ivan Tsarevich and the grey wolf" (1949), "the frog Princess" (1948), "the hen" (1936), "the Wolf and the seven little kids", "the Gingerbread man" (1941), "By magic" (1950), "the Cockerel – the Golden scallop".
Also the fruits of his work can be seen in such books as "Fronted" (1936), "the Hangover and nuska" (1931), "Vladimir Ermakov" (1935), "Children's island" (1928), "Toys" (1980), "Potatoes" (1930), "Kostya went to visit" (1929), "We sculpt" (1931), "Trouble" (1926), "Songs" (1935), etc.

Many of the artist's works were published after his death in the popular children's magazine "Murzilka".
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