Vladimirovich Rykov

Russia • geboren in 1838

Biografie und Informationen

Descended from the nobility of the Tauride province, was born on 5 March 1838 in Simferopol; going to the 4th class of the Simferopol Gymnasium, Rykov received in 1857, at the Academy of Arts in 1864, tretom the exam, got a 2nd silver medal for the sketch from nature. Financial insecurity and the need to keep younger brother Rykov was forced to abandon further improvements in apparently favourite art (love of painting is felt in his petition to the Council of the Academy of fine Arts) and received a silver medal, he asked to grant him a diploma for the title of a free artist; this certificate was issued to him on March 6, 1865. The fate of the artist is unknown to us. The archive of the Academy of fine Arts, D. No. 42; S. Kondakov, the Imperial Academy of Arts, V. II, p. 171. PS—cue. {The Cumans}

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