The novel (Robert-Heinrich)
Ivanovich Bach

Russia • 1819−1903

A native of Riga, from a family of Baltic Germans. There he studied drawing by K. Miller. Attended the class of Professor N. I. Utkin in St. Petersburg RSOP for an auditor (1840-1844). The profession of a sculptor mastered in the Imperial Academy of arts (1844-1850) under the guidance of Professor I. P. Vitali. For a portrait bust of Professor at Markov (1850) he received the title of class artist of free. Main artist bronze and silver firms for Nichols and plinke, St. Petersburg (1859), its Director (since 1870). A member of St. Petersburg meeting of artists (1863-1879). Honorary free member of the Imperial Academy of arts (1882). Performed orders of G. V. Druzhinin (1880) on the preparation for the casting of cast iron art things sent in Kasli. Along with the bronze wares factory Nichols and plinke supplied for reproduction of their own model and working sons.

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