Vladimirovna Smagina

Member of the Union of artists of Russia, laureate of the regional prize Opekushin. 30 years he taught at the Yaroslavl art school. Paintings of Elena Smagina is a hymn to women and femininity. All of her heroines - our contemporaries. But not as a concubine of the Sultan, they seem Priceline from another world. They are the dream of any man. Masha - charming angelic curly create with the violin. Olga - idle woman. She just pours the tea, but full of such dignified calm and grace, like a priestess of an unknown ritual. Flirty and fashionista Veronica, banging out a new clothes on the machine "singer". The beauty of Angela, making their morning toilet, holding a bottle of perfume. From the picture, it seemed that emanates a spicy aroma. Paintings of Elena Smagina is a hymn of love.

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