Fedorovich Pleshanov

Russia • 1829−1882

Born in St. Petersburg on may 18, 1829, died there on 9 November 1882 in Rostov, the Son of a wealthy 1st Guild merchant, Fyodor M. P. (b. 3 November 1795, the mind. 28 October 1867), which produced millions of revolutions in St. Petersburg, Pleshanov grew up in luxury, and, considering himself quite wealthy for life, after graduating from Commercial College in St. Petersburg, decided to devote himself to art and enrolled in 1848 at the Academy of Arts, painting class, simultaneously taking private lessons from Professor F. A. Bruni. The latter loved the youth for his kind and gentle heart and looking at his art classes, as the noble passion of a rich lover, not devoid of that ability, although not in many ways, tried to encourage him, treating him leniently than his companions, who, as professional artists, had to work their way through hard work. Under such conditions, in 1851, the Academy expressed the young artist praise for the program: "Judith at the exit gate of the city"; the following year he received the first silver medal "for achievements in painting" for the painting: "the Awakening of a woman"; in 1853 again praise "for the dignity of composition and effect in written picture, "Andromache mourns Hector's body", although the Protocol of the Academy recorded that the Emperor Nicholas I, when visiting the exhibition, was dissatisfied with this picture. In 1854, Pleshanov wrote the picture: "the Prophet Elisha reviving the son of a widow", possessed of strict academic writing, where everything is on demand then the composition and all the accessories well chosen; but, nevertheless, the author was awarded the second gold medal. Next year, for the program: "Christ in the house of Martha and Mary", is the first gold medal, P. received only "praise" and the title of the artist XIV class. For the following year, he was awarded the title of academician for the program "the Priest Sylvester before Ivan the Terrible during the great Moscow fire, 24 June, 1547" (now in the Museum of Alexander III). Then, on the advice of F. A. Bruni, Pleshanov went, at his own expense, to Rome, where he lived for two years, continuing to use the advice of your Professor. By his Council, he wrote where the picture is: "the Blinding of Saul on the road to Damascus," now in the Church of the Intercession of the blessed virgin Mary in Rostov Veliky. In 1863 P. again received from the Academy "praise" for the painting: "the Adulteress in the sight of the Savior." In 1865 he performed the best of his work — the portrait of his father, F. M. ... (now in the Museum of Alexander III), and in 1869 received the title of Professor for the painting, written in his own choice story: "the Murder of Tsarevich Dmitry in Uglich", purchased by the Imperial Hermitage for 3800 R. Shortly after dad ... died. His business Affairs, though in the end, was not so brilliant as in youth, but still decent. But, at his death, in the hands of the elder brother of the artist, all of the state disappeared immediately, and the sons of former rich man had to move from a luxuriously furnished private home-a mansion in official quarters at the Academy, where, luckily for them, by the time P. F. ... managed to get a job as a teacher, for which he was fit neither by its nature nor by impulses nor even of education, but was forced to take on her unexpectedly, because of the need to earn money to live. A revolution of fate, of course, could not respond to painful on his body. Although outwardly he bore his misfortune bravely, but in fact was sick at heart, both because of the plight of the family of his brother, and because instead of training those songs that attracted him, now, to support myself and my brother with family, he had to perform only urgent orders, as long as a serious illness, which began with the obesity of the heart has not stopped, finally, his physical and moral suffering. However, his career was not bad: in 1875 he was invited to attend the meeting of the Academic Council, and in 1877 appointed supernumerary member of the Council; the following year, upon the death Bonafede, P. received, in addition, place the head of the Mosaic Department of the Imperial Academy of Arts. Besides the already mentioned works, P. F. Pleshanov wrote: the image of STS. Mitrophan of Voronezh Dmitry of Rostov and Tikhon of Zadonsk (1862); the image of the Archangel Gabriel; picture: "Mercy Roman"; portrait of his aunt, and six portraits of family portraits: A. V. Popova, A. F. Groten, P. M. Grigoriev and P. I. Ishimova; two copies with vintage image of St. Nicholas, in Bars; allegory of Spring; two half figures of bacchantes; fifty portraits of different people (1864-1865).; ten different portraits (1865-1866.); repetition, in a smaller size, the image of "Calling Saul", the image of Demetrios, written in copper; two of the thumbnail images (all in 1865-1866.); image of the blessed. Of the virgin; image of STS. Nicholas and Alexander Nevsky, for the chapel at the Alexander Nevsky the poorhouse; the image of the Saviour; portraits: Metropolitan Isidore; H. M. Polezhaeva, N. F. and E. Y. Pleshanova; A. K. Manakova (all in 1866-3867.); two images of the prep. Isidore and Theodore the Studite, for the chapel at the Alexander Nevsky the poorhouse; the little image prep. Theodore, on the monument to the artist's father, in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra (all in 1867-1868 gg.), a small portrait of Mrs. Palazhchenko, on her monument in the Alexander Nevsky monastery; a large portrait of Ms. Burenina (both in 1868-1869.); sketch for the painting "Death of Susanin" ; a colossal waist of fourteen images of the prophets, to the Church, erected to the memory of Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich in St. Petersburg; the depiction of the virgin and child, to the same; the image of the four evangelists, in the sails of the same Church; picture: "Madonna"; the image of St. Nicholas in Byzantine style (all in 1869-1870); the image of St. Alexander Nevsky in St. Nicholas Church, on the Petersburg side; the altarpiece, "the entombment", to the same; a colossal image of the four metropolitans of Moscow: Peter, Alexis, Jonah and Philip, there; four half-length images of angels in circles, to the same; two local image of the Savior and the mother of God, there is; a small image of St. Alexander Nevsky, in the circle, the monument to G. Goryainova, in the Smolensk cemetery; two images: Dmitry of Rostov and Mary of Egypt, for the Church, which was built. Polejaeva in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra (all in 1870-1871.); generational portrait of Emperor Alexander II; portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Petrovna; portrait of an English Prince, the portrait of the merchant Leontiev; image: "Come unto me, all ye that labor"; the altarpiece "the visitation", in Rybinsk; image of STS. Alexander Nevsky and Mary Magdalene, there; have written, the boards of F. A. Bruni, in the sails of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior: "the Descent of the Holy spirit on the apostles" and "the Descent of Christ into hell" (all in 1871-1872); made a sketch of "the Smolensk Mother of God with the saints: the Lion, Pope, Anthony the Great, St John by Damascene and Catherine the great Martyr", for the arch in the temple of Christ the Savior; "Candlemas", a niche there; "in the temple of the blessed. Virgin", another niche there; the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. Peter the Metropolitan, G. Zinoviev; the image of St. Andrew, count P. A. Shuvalov, on my father's grave; a colossal image of St. Evangelist Matthew, for playing with mosaics in the sails of Saint Isaac's Cathedral; fixed write students Academy 54 image to the Church in the city of Rybinsk (all in 1872-1873 gg.); wrote two images of equal to the apostles. Prince Vladimir, V. K. Vladimir Alexandrovich; has fulfilled, according to the sketch of F. A. Bruni, a large Board: "the adoration of the kings of the earth, King of Heaven," to the Church of St. Trinity, in the manor bar. Stieglitz, (all in 1873-1874); eight sketches of images of saints in growth and a 36 waist sketches of images for the temple of Christ the Savior (all in 1874 — 1875); portrait of Alexander II, in growth, for the city of Kazan; image of "Christmas", for the field Church Lankaran regiment; a copy, life size, of a painting by F. A. Bruni, "the Agony in the garden" to the Church at the house of charity for poor Temelkova-Frolov, and was directed by the Scripture and the rest of the Church (1875-1876); image: St. Peter the Metropolitan, to the same; St. Alexis the Metropolitan, to the same; the last Supper, there; and painted, by his own sketches, the choir of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and did three sketches of scenes from the life Pulse. Alexander and, on the occasion of the celebration of the centenary of his birth: "the Emperor at the waterfall in Tammerfors, Finland"; "the Sovereign in the Assembly of the nobility and merchant class of Moscow" and "the Death of the Emperor in Taganrog". The genuine works of the Commission for construction in Moscow the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, "a Collection of Matera. for the history of the Empire. Academy Of Arts". SPb. 1866; Records Of The Imper. Academy of Arts for 1861/2—1876/7.)

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