Ivanovich Porohovnikov

Russia • 1825−1888

Major-General, painter; b. in 1825, the mind. in St. Petersburg on March 14, 1888, buried at the Smolensk cemetery. Coming from the nobility of Ryazan province., he was educated in the 1-m cadet corps in St. Petersburg and, at the end of the course there in 1847, he served there as the company commander. This service did not prevent him to attend classes at the Academy of fine Arts, where he was a pupil of K. P. Bryullov and to teach drawing, not only in the above-mentioned case but also in other military educational institutions. In 1853, he graduated from the Academy with the title of a free artist, and in 1859, a portrait of G. Usovskogo "and other famous works," as academician of historical and portrait painting. After P. continued to teach at various institutions (including cook. classes graduating from the page corps and the Imperial Alexander Lyceum) and private lessons, and was promoted to the rank of major-General. In addition, in 1874-1875. he was engaged with development of a textbook on drawing. From his works, besides those mentioned, are known: the image of St. Archangel Michael, by order of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich; image of STS. Constantine and Helena to the Church of the I-th St. Petersburg Military School (1869-1870); copies of landscapes Aivazovsky, Achenbach, Dose, with paintings by Greuze, Merle, Gale, Roelofs and Mordvinov (1870-1871); the shroud for the Imperial Alexander Lyceum; "the sermon on the mount", for the same Lyceum (1876-1877 gg.); sketches: "Russian peasant" and "Jew-beggar" (1884); painting: "Summer morning," and "the Mountain farmer" (1885) and portraits: the adjutant General Rostovtsev, for the I-th St. Petersburg Cadet Corps; Colonel Frolov (1864); Lieutenant General Firsova; major-General Browne; G. Baumgarten, H. Kitter; priest V. Pevtsov; G. Kalinowski; G. and Mrs. Gantry; General brown; Dr. Sokolov; Professor Shestakova: G. Shabalin, Pavlovskogo; Prince Pyotr Georgievich of Oldenburg, in growth, for the Imperial Alexander Lyceum; its the same belt, to the school's Director; Ms. brown; G. Vasilyeva; Ms. Lemme, G. and Ms. Vitkevich, G. Alekseev, G. Heraklea and G. Hartmann. Reports of the Imperial Academy of Arts: 1859/60, 1860/61, 1861/2, 1862/2, 1863/4, 1866/7, 1869/70, 1870/71, 1871/2, 1872/3, 1874/5, 1876/7 and 1885/6; Pointers exhibitions in the Imperial Academy of Arts in 1859, 1864, 1867 and 1888; "the Northern flowers" 1859, No. 23; the "Collection of materials for the history of the Imperial Academy of Arts" St. Petersburg. 1866; "Art news" 1888, No. 7; "news" 1888, No. 74; H. P. Sobko, "Dictionary of Russian artists". SPb. 1899. G.; "New. BP." 1888, No. 4325; "news" 1858, No. 74; "of St. Petersburg. Leaf" 1888, No. 74; "the Son Patriotic." 1888, No. 72. A. Novitsky. (Cumans)

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