Korneyevich Zhukov

Russia • geboren in 1938

Biografie und Informationen

Born in the city of Smolensk.

1957-1960 student of the Vitebsk art and graphic pedagogical school.

1968 Graduated from the Kiev state art Institute.

1968-1972 Teacher of drawing, painting Berdyansk pedagogical Institute.

1997-1998 Teacher of painting, drawing College of Smolensk state Institute of arts.

1997 On creative work.

2004 Elected to the auditing Commission of the Smolensk organization of the Union of artists of Russia.


Since 1972 the participant of regional art exhibitions in Zaporozhye, then in Berdyansk, since 1997 the participant of regional art exhibitions in the city of Smolensk.

1984 Personal exhibition in the city of Berdyansk.

VII Republican exhibition of drawing, Kyiv.

Republican art exhibition "Earth and people", Kiev.

All-Union exhibition "Earth and people", Moscow.

1985 Republican exhibition "40 years of liberation of Ukraine from Nazi invaders", Kiev.

Republican art exhibition "50 years of the Stakhanov movement." str.

1996 Group exhibition "People and the sea". str.

1987 Republican exhibition "Art Ukraine", Kiev.

1988 Personal exhibition in Moscow.

1990 Republican exhibition "Picturesque Ukraine". str.

1998 Personal exhibition, Smolensk.

Exhibition of Smolensk artists in the city of Safonovo.

Exhibition of Smolensk artists in the city of Roslavl.

2001 Overseas exhibition in Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus).

2002 international exhibition "Watercolor siabryna" , Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus) .

Interregional exhibition "young Russia",Bryansk. 2003 international exhibition of Smolensk painters in Orsha ( Belarus) .

2004 international exhibition of Smolensk painters in Orsha (Belarus).

The artist's works are stored in the Directorate of exhibitions of Kyiv, the 1st private gallery in Kiev, in Berdyansk art Museum. I. Brodsky, Rostov state historical Museum, the historical Museum of the city of Primorsk of Zaporizhzhya region, in the Museum of history of Berdyansk, are in private collections in Russia, Canada, Israel, USA, Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, Ukraine.

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