Anatolevich Anisimov

Russia • 1910−1995

Biografie und Informationen

Was born in Kazan, he studied at Sverdlovsk in UHPT (1929-1932). Thesis – bas "In construction", the head of the I. A. Kambarov. Taught at CFS (1940). Participant of exhibitions (from 1932), member of the artists Union of the USSR. The author of the reliefs of "the Soviet Army on maneuvers" (1935), "the Great people of the Urals" (1949), round sculpture "the Partisans" (1943), "Young reindeer" (1964). Large place in his work took a fabulous and animalistic genres: "Golden Hair," "the Mistress of Copper mountain" (based on tales by p. P. Bazhova, 1948), "Moose", "Marten", "polar bear", etc. SHPM Sculptor (1949).

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