Pavlovich Kramskoy

The decision of the Nizhny Tagil city Soviet of people's deputies session 6 16 convocation on June 28, 1978, awarded the title “Honorary citizen of the city.”

Tov. Archaeology M. P. born in 1917, has the creative experience of 37 years. In the city of Nizhny Tagil T. M. P. Kramskoy works since 1942. During this period he made a great personal contribution to the development of fine art in the city.

In 1944, on his initiative, the Museum of fine arts, 1945 - Ural College of applied art, where he worked as a teacher for 12 years, has produced 9 editions of sculptors.

Since 1959 T. M. P. Kramskoy is a senior lecturer, since 1969 - assistant Professor of art-graphic faculty of the pedagogical Institute, his creative activity is closely connected with Nizhny Tagil.

Tov. Archaeology M. P. has created sculptural portraits of heroes of labor, monumental monuments to the Heroes of the great Patriotic war etc.

For two convocations he was elected a member of the city Council, is a member of the Union of artists of the USSR, was a delegate to the 2nd Congress of artists of the RSFSR. The participant of defence of Leningrad during the great Patriotic war.

Tov. Archaeology M. P. party of two personal exhibitions in Nizhny Tagil, participant of regional and Republican exhibitions.

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