Viktorovna Kulikova

Russia • geboren in 1969

Biografie und Informationen

Born in North Kulaeva Chelyabinsk region. Studied at CHS (1981-1984), the Chu (1984-1988) of the Department of sculpture at N. F. Lyutikova, S. V. Seliverstov. Taught at CHS (1988-1989). He studied at the sculpture Department of the Krasnoyarsk GHEE (1989-1995) Ishanova Y. P. and L. N. Golovackogo. He worked as a sculptor on the KMZ (1995-1996). Participant of exhibitions (since 1995). He taught at the sculpture Department of Kasli branch CPT (1995-1999). Performed model two of table fountains (1997) – "Fortuna" and "Dionysus". Engaged in ceramics, the vases author "Girl with a bowl" (2003). A sculptor working on CZAKL (since 2003). The author of the sculpture "Peter I" (2004).