Vladimirovich Fedorov

Russia • 1948−2014

Biografie und Informationen

Fedorov Boris (1948-2014)

Honored artist of Russia
Born August 20, 1948 in the city of Kalinin (Tver)
1963-1967 studied at the Central building technical school
1971-1976 - studied at the Department of glass and ceramics of the Leningrad Higher art-industrial school im.In.And.Mukhina (pedagogues Markov, V. F. Mitrofanov and K. M.)
1976-the beginning of active exhibition activity,participation in city,regional,all-Union, all-Russian and international exhibitions
1976-1981 - an artist at the Dyatkovo crystal plant (Bryansk region)
1980 - member of the artists Union of the USSR
1981 - the chief artist of the enterprise for the production of glass and ceramics "kalininsteklo"( later – JSC "tveris")
1991 - chief designer of JSC "tveris"
1993 - Honored artist of Russia
1997 - member of Union of designers of Russia
2001 - corresponding member of the Russian Academy of arts
2008 - member of the Russian Academy of arts

1978-Silver medal VDNH USSR
1981-First prize Quadrienale Erfurt (GDR)
1982 - award of the Komsomol
1988 -"gold medal Quadriennale"
1998 – medal "For achievements in culture"

Main exhibitions:
1988 - personal exhibition. Kalinin. Russia
1989 -personal exhibition. All-Russian Museum of decorative-applied and folk art. Moscow
1991 -personal exhibition. Kostroma. Russia
1993-exhibition in gallery "STANBET". Mikkeli. Finland
2008 - personal exhibition in the Russian Academy of arts. Moscow
2011 - personal exhibition in the Russian Academy of arts. Moscow
2013 - personal exhibition at the Museum of glass art, Elaginoostrovsky Palace-Museum, St. Petersburg

Taught at MVHPU (former. Stroganov), led a master class
Taught in the Tver artistic school..Venetsianov

Participant in symposia on glass in Lviv,Ukraine(since 1989), Hungary(1993,1996), Czechoslovakia(1988)

Personal exhibitions in Tallinn, Riga, Holland, USA, Denmark, Sweden

Works are in the collections of:
The state Historical Museum, Moscow
All-Russian Museum of decorative-applied and folk art, Moscow
Museum Dyatkovo crystal factory, Dyatkovo,Bryansk region
Museum Of The State Institute Of Glass, Moscow
National center for contemporary art, Moscow
Zagorsk state history and art Museum-reserve
The state Museum of ceramics and "Manor Kuskovo XVIII century", Moscow,
Tver regional art gallery,
Bryansk regional Museum of fine arts,
Omsk regional Museum of fine arts,
in private collections of Russia, Germany, Hungary, Denmark, Holland, Finland, Czech Republic, Romania, USA

Boris Fedorov about myself:
"Working with glass, more notice that the work is more like a game where the partners are equal and grateful to each other, in the case of harmony.
But resisting glass for its properties requires from me all forces,energy and ability to improvise."

"The artist – as a child. And baby boys are all brilliant. Everyone is surprised that the green he saw green that red sun rises.
And Dostoevsky, Rembrandt – from the same series.
Realism ended on Rembrandt.
Great, Bravo! What's next?
And next children. They open the world rejoice with every leaf, booger.
The artist must constantly be surprised. Sincerity is a miracle.
Do not need to lie to keep his feelings. And sharp mind in art is very important."

Boris Fedorov was not only a brilliant glass artist, he was also an outstanding sculptor, painter, graphic. The world of his works is reflected on the surface with a large measure of mystery and mysticism. Pastel artist primarily inspired by the natural motifs in them, he revealed himself as a romantic, an artist, a lyric poet who feels the world around us.

L. Kazakova, doctor of art history:
"Boris Fedorov, an artist who is always able to surprise. It works with the stack as a sculptor. The impact of the cutter, firewood, hammer, Bouchard clipped the excess, drawn in flowing lines
circuit,there is a rough matter. This is almost natural, plastically filled with light and air form, the calm and harmonious, dynamic rhythm, the contrast of light and shade, rough texture and perfect polished surface.
A lot in the works Fedorova explain his drawings and pastels. In different art, mainly of ornamental variations of the author loses the course of decorative thinking, guesses philosophical reflections on the nature of the world,peace, confusion, etc All fantastic, the spontaneity of perception of the world splashed on a white sheet of paper. Image give you the feeling of ancient times, the eternity of the Universe, cosmic dimensions.
In gorgeous pastels, on the contrary, there is peace and calm, harmony, bottled in nature. In image-based reality, full-scale studies, and yet it is not just the kind of specific motive.
Stone, wood, water, cloud, light and shadow, night and day, sunrise and sunset, fog and bright sun – all full of personal attitude of the author, by his presence or by third party observation."

Boris Fedorov departed this life on 29 November 2014.