Afinogenovich Kazantsev

Russia • 1950−2005

Thesis in the CVC - "the front", the rating is good. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of artist-painter, teacher.

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR (Russia) since 1987. Painter, graphic artist.

Born St. Promyshlennaya, Kemerovo region. He studied at the pedagogical Department at the Kemerovo art school (1972-1976) Tiberina V. E., S. N. Aristova, and on the faculty of easel painting at the Leningrad Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin (1977-1983) with E. E. Moiseenko. In 1983 he returned to Kemerovo. Participant of exhibitions since 1983. Went to the House of creativity "Academic dacha" in the name of I. E. Repin (1987). He was Chairman of the Board of the Kemerovo branch of the Union of artists of the USSR (1989-1991).

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