Stepanovich Slipchenko

Ukraine • 1914−1975

Painter. B. December 25, 1914 in the village Stepantsi, now Kyiv region - mind. 19 Oct 1975 in Kharkiv. He studied at the Kharkov public College (1935-38), graduated from Kharkiv art Institute (1938-41; 1946-47), teachers M. Fedorov, M. kozyk, N. Samokish. A member HO CFS in 1958. The participant of Republican and all-Union exhibitions since 1948. Personal exhibitions: Kharkiv -1956,1966; Chernigov, Dnepropetrovsk, Lugansk -1966, 1967; Kiev 1968. Taught at hghu (1946-61).

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