Fedorovna Blumel

Russia • 1922−2008

Thesis in the CVC (workshop of M. A. Kerzina) - "Vladimir Mayakovsky", the rating is good. The training took place at the sculpture faculty. Awarded the title of artist-sculptor.

Their teachers believed A. T. Matveev, B. E. Kaplenkova, L. N. Khoroshkevich.

Born December 3, 1922 in Moscow, died 27 January 2008 in Moscow.

From 1942 to 1945 studied at the Central Studio of the fine arts Council of trade unions Leonid Nikolayevich Khoroshkevich. He studied at the Mipidi (1941-1944) E. F. Belashova and at the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin Academy of Arts of the USSR (1945-1951) by A. T. Matveev, V. A. Sinai B. E. Kaplyanskii, A. P. Timchenko.

Member LOSS since 1951. Member mossh since 1951.

Member of USSR Union of artists since 1955.

Exhibited since 1951.

Group exhibitions:

Brandhof. 1979, Moscow, Kuznetsk bridge, 11.

Blumel. 1995, Moscow, Central house of artists.

She lived in Moscow.

He taught at the Moscow Higher art-industrial school (former Stroganov) 1960-1962(??).

Worked in monumental and easel sculpture. The author of the portraits and compositions. Works are in state Tretyakov gallery, state Russian Museum, other museums and private collections.

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