Sergeevna Lonely

Russia • geboren in 1943

Muralist. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

B. 04.03.1943, Chardzhou (Turkmen SSR). In Sergiev Posad 1968. Mother A. I. Vishnevskaya. Lived in Kuibyshev. He studied at MIT (1962-68) Z. Y. Eliseeva, S. M. Aleshchenko, S. M. Baranova, N. N. Zolotarev.

The artist of the research Institute of toys (1968-86), SHPM (1986-96). Member of AUR (1974). Member of the creative Committee on the arts and crafts of vtoo "Union of artists", member of the audit Commission (1996-99), Board member (1998-2004) SPO CXP.

Performed works (chamotte, engobes, glaze): vessels "Carnival", "Pig" (both 1986), decorative plates "Cock" (1986), "birthday", "Carnival" (both 1987), small plastic "Goat" (1986), "the lion" (1987), "Departure" (1988), "the market" (1990); decorative seams "Children's party", "Walking" (both 1989), "Wolf", "Flight", "Grey wolf under the mountain" (1990), "Sirin – a bird singing," "Serenade," "the Beast", "still life", "Conversation" (1991), a triptych "Sergius of Radonezh" (1992), song, "Sirens" (1985), "Family" (1986), "Carnival" (1989-90), "Baptism" (1997), "Eurotrip" (2002); panel "Granny's pad" (2001). Designed pool of the kindergarten pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (1990-91).

Participant of art exhibitions (from 1967), including: exhibitions of young Moscow artists (Moscow, 1967), the Republican exhibition of young artists (Moscow, 1967), zonal art exhibitions (1967, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1991), all-Union exhibition of decorative and applied arts (Moscow, 1968), the 8th exhibition of young Moscow artists (Moscow, 1968), "My Moscow" (Moscow, 1968), Republican youth exhibition (Moscow, 1971), 1st all-Union exhibition "Sculpture of small forms" (Moscow, 1972), the Republican exhibition of young artists (Moscow, 1972), "Standards in the USSR" (Belgium, 1973), all-Union art exhibition "Youth of country" (M., 1976), all-Russian art exhibition "In his native country" (Moscow, 1981), all-Russian art exhibition "Russia" (Moscow, 1981. 1985. 1989, 1994), "Decorative-applied and folk art of Moscow region" (Moscow, 1990), "Contemporary ceramics the Moscow region: 1980-90" (Zagorsk, 1991), "Contemporary ceramics" (Wiley, 1995), exhibition of decorative art (Moscow, 1996), "Gallery in the Gallery" (Moscow, 1996), 8 exhibitions of works of artists of Central regions of Russia (Moscow, 1997); "Autumn salon" (Sergiev Posad, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003), IX all-Russian art exhibition "Russia" (Moscow, 1999); "The closest art" (M., 1999), all-Russian art exhibition "Defenders of the Fatherland is dedicated" In honor of the Victory in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945 (Moscow, 2000), group exhibition of Moscow artists (Moscow, 2002), "Autumn salon" (Sergiev Posad, 2003), X all-Russian art exhibition "Russia" (Moscow, 2004), exhibition of works of decorative art (Sergiev Posad, 2004).

Exhibition of works of O. took place in 2001 – "the Artist G. S. Lonely and her students" (Ekaterinburg).

Works O. are stored in the Krasnodar art gallery, SPMZ, Perm art gallery, Yakutsk art Museum, State historical-artistic and literary Museum-reserve "Abramtsevo", the meeting of the International Confederation of artists unions of the CIS, the private collections of D. Azhary (USA), I. Roitman (Canada), M. Kuivalainen (Finland), Gap Golf (Austria).

Awarded a Diploma of ARTS (1992), medal "850 years of Moscow" (1997).

LITERATURE: Contemporary ceramics the Moscow region: 1980-90, K-g exhibition / the Author-sost. G. Cherkashin. – Zagorsk, 1991. – S. 3-6, 8, 9. – 50 years of the Moscow regional organization of Union of artists of Russia: the Album. – M., 1996. – P. 198-199. – Polovneva T. A. Suburban ceramics of the 1990s: the case of exhibitions SPMZ // Message SPMZ. 2000. – M., 2000. – P. 443. – The Union of artists of Russia: Your Name / Album. – M., 2004. – S. 504, 659. – Bronnitsy: Essays on the history of the Earth the Th. – Sergiev Posad, 2004. – P. 206. CATALOGS: crafts and folk art of the suburbs / Author introd. article G. K. Pilipenko, comp. T. L .Astrahanceva, L. I. Nakhova. – M., 1990, without specifying the pages. – 8 exhibition of works by artists of Central regions of Russia / K-g. – M., 1997. – S. 43-44. – IX all-Russian art exhibition "Russia" /. – M., 1999. – P. 220. – Russian art exhibition "Defenders of the Fatherland is dedicated" In honor of the Victory in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945, K-g / Ed. ed. by P. Mikhailov. – M., 2000. – S. 22. – Autumn salon-2003: Decorative-applied and monumental art. K-g show / Authors-comp.: S. V. Gorozhanina, T. A. Volosinov, N. In. Tolstukhina. – Sergiev Posad, 2003. – S. 33. – X all-Russian art exhibition "Russia": K-g / Ed. edited by A. W. Greeks. – M., 2004. – P. 120. – PERIODICALS: Worker. – 1966. – N12. DI THE USSR. – 1974. – N2. – Building newspaper. – 1995. – September 8 [120]

A. G.

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