Sergeevich Tupitsyn

Russia • geboren in 1928

Biografie und Informationen

The poster. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born 1928 in Moscow.

1964 Graduated from the workshop of monumental painting of the Moscow state art Institute. V. I. Surikov. Studied with A. A. Deineka.

In 1967 he began working as a poster artist. Works mainly in "Agitplakat". The participant of Republican and all-Union art exhibitions.

1974 Member of artists Union of the USSR.

Major works: "You can do five jobs..." (1966), "Soldier in the part of the letter..." (1967), "Tenth five — year plan- shock work" (jointly with I. Kalenskaya) (1976), "learn from the experience of innovators!" (1976), "our knowledge will support the work" (1977), "launching facilities in line early!" (1979).

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