Grigorievich Ushkov

Russia • geboren in 1923

Biografie und Informationen

Y. G. Ushkov was born on 2 Mar 1923 in an old Russian town Sereda (now Furmanov) Ivanovo region. The beauty of nature that surrounded him, remained in the memory for a lifetime. The beauty that decided the fate of the sculptor in his choice of a life path. In 1951 Yuri Grigorovich graduated from the sculptural Department of the Moscow Institute of applied and decorative arts, which he entered after his discharge in 1945. His thesis on the war in Korea and exhibited at the international exhibition in Berlin (now she is in the Institute of applied and decorative art named after Vera Mukhina in St. Petersburg). Participant of Moscow, Republican, Union and international (Brussels and Berlin) exhibitions, the author of monuments to soldiers of the great Patriotic war in the cities of Stupino, Zelenodolsk, Kurovskoye, Tambov. He created bas-reliefs of the stations of Smolenskaya and Krasnopresnenskaya Moscow subway. Masterfully wielding form, the artist does not subordinate, but rather uses as a tool, forcing her to become a reflection of thoughts or feelings, suddenly frozen in bronze. In the hands of the sculptor of the bronze ceases to be heavy metal – it becomes flexible, easy and flowing, she shines with inner light. Captivating images of women conquer the subtle beauty and plasticity (Nezabudka). Images of gods and heroes myths Express the frantic rush and fantastic fortitude ("Prometheus", "the Buddha"). Distant stars and planets fascinate unearthly harmony ("Venus", "the Constellation 'corona Borealis'"). Amazing artist's creations come alive and sound like music or poetry, pulling in a wonderful world in the unfathomable depths of the human spirit and boundless Space.
The sculptor's solo exhibitions were held in the gallery "Nagornaya" (1991), exhibition hall of the hotel "Russia" (1993), the Centre-Museum by name of N. To.Roerich (1999), gallery named Trubnikova (g. Furmanov Ivanovo region, 2002), Ivanovskoye historical-revolutionary Museum (2003). Yuri Ushkov − participant of the exhibition in the Museum named after N. To.Roerich's "Unearthly worlds of earthly artists" (October, 2003). Five sculptures, Y. G. Ushkov, are in various museums around the country.
Creativity for Y. G. Ushkov is a state of complete concentration and deep vision of not only image and thoughts from the inside, serving beauty, harmony, and love. The sculptor is able to look behind the curtain of everyday life and to see exciting and attractive.
In relation to his creatures is very appropriate words N. To.Roerich: "Awareness of Beauty will save the world".