In 1909 in Riga began learning to play the violin at the same time attending art Studio Y. Madernieks, later J. R. Tillbergs and 1921 arrives at the Latvian Academy of arts (graduated in 1928 workshop of Figurative painting of J. R. Tillbergs with thesis "Rural work").
Worked as a surveyor, participated in the first world war. After the second world war he worked at the plant "Art" as a graphic designer.
Participates in exhibitions since 1920 (the so-called exhibition of "the bombers").
Regularly participated in exhibitions of the Detachment of independent artists (1923 – 1927), later – at the exhibitions of the Union of Latvian artists (from 1928, one of the founders). Member of the artists Union of Latvia since 1945
In his painting mainly portraits and landscapes in a realistic manner.
Worked in applied graphics, drawing sketches, banners, certificates, products from China.
From the age of 14 years he produced the violin, and later kollekcionirovat postage stamps and antique items.