Ivanovich Dyrenkov

Russia • geboren in 1937

Biografie und Informationen

An artist–designer, painter, honored artist of the Chuvash Republic.

Was born in Lesouchastok 26 km Shaturskogo district of the Republic of Mari El.

He graduated from art–graphic faculty of the Chuvash state pedagogical Institute. I. Yakovlev. He worked as a mail deliveryman, engineer–designer at industrial aesthetics of the plant "Chuvashkabel", artist Cheboksary hosiery factory, an artist–designer of Chuvash creative and production plant of the art Fund of the RSFSR. Member of the Union of artists of Russia, honorary collective farmer of collective farm "the Guardsman" Batyrevskogo district.

Major works: a series of linocuts "Grandfather tales", painting – "a Fresh day", "dacha", "Winter morning", "rainbow over the river", "Spring on the Volga", "Hay", "summer", "Last snow", "Gifts of nature"; a monumental work – a memorial to fellow countrymen fallen in the Great Patriotic war (on the farm "Guardsman" Batyrevskogo district), etc.

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