Alekseevich Zakharov

Russia • geboren in 1953

Biografie und Informationen

Painting, drawing, member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1995.

Participant of exhibitions since 1978.


1992 – all-Russia exhibition of "Genre painting", Moscow.

1997 – group exhibition (seven artists),

dedicated to the 850th anniversary of Tula.

1998 – "art of the Tula masters", Moscow.

1999 – exhibition of the Tula artists, Moscow.

2000 – Russian art exhibition "to Thy Name".

To the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity. Central house of artists, Moscow.

2001 – "Landscapes of Yasnaya Polyana in the works of Russian artists

XX century", gallery "Yasnaya Polyana", Tula.

2002 – group exhibition (two artists), Exhibition hall of the Tula.

2004 – exhibition of the Tula artists in the gallery "Yasnaya Polyana",

The Department of culture of Tula.

2004 – gallery "the Clear glade". Collective exhibition of artists

the city of eagle and the city of Tula "Day of Demeter".

2006 – Exhibition hall. Group exhibition at the end of the plane. Kasimov.

2008 – X regional exhibition. The City Of Yaroslavl.

2009 – national exhibition, Central house of artists, Moscow.

In the works of V. A. Zakharov dominated genre paintings and abstract compositions. The author of the graphic series, a work of literary classics – Homer, A. S. Pushkin, M. A. Bulgakov.

Works are in the collections of the Tula Art Museum, Museum-estate of L. N. Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana", Bogoroditsky Palace-Museum and gallery "Mezhregiongaz", the Department of culture and historic heritage of Tula, as well as private collections in Russia and abroad.