Robertovich Vipper

Russia • 1888−1967

Art historian, Museum worker, Dr. claim-management (1943), corresponding member Q. AH THE USSR (1962). Son Of R. J. Whipper. Graduated From Moscow. University (1911). Studied painting at K. Yuon, then architecture at I. Rerberg. In 1915-23 taught in ISKCON. University, since 1918 Professor. In 1913-23 Keeper of the picture gallery of the Rumyantsev Museum. From 1924 he lived in Latvia, 1924-41 Professor at the University in Riga. From 1941 he returned to Moscow, Professor of Moscow state University. In 1941-43 he taught at the Central Asian University, 1943-55 again at MSU. Tr. on the history and theory of Western European art XVI-XVIII centuries, including the book. "Tintoretto" (1948), "the Struggle of trends in Italian art of the XVI century" (1956), "the Formation of realism in Dutch painting of the XVII century" (1957).

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