Grigorievich Rozanov

Russia • 1926−2006

Biografie und Informationen

State. figure, Nar. architect Of the USSR (1983), academician of the Academy of arts of the USSR (1983). A member of the CPSU from 1964. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of architecture (1951), 1960 and taught there. From 1956 he worked in the design organizations of Moscow, 1970-83 Director ZNIIPI entertainment, sports and ADM. structures. 1985 1st Deputy. PREV., since 1987 PREV. Of the state Committee for CET. str-vu and architecture under the Gosstroi of the USSR. Author projects (et al) space them.Lenin in Tashkent (1974), Tula and Vladivostok (both 1983-84), AMD. the t-ditch in the eagle (1965-76) and Kursk (1968-83), health resort in Crimea (1980), complex high ADM. buildings on prospect Vernadskogo in Moscow (1981-94) and other buildings.

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