Henry Percy

United States • 1869−1952
Henry Percy Gray (1869, San Francisco, 1952, ibid.) well-known American artist-tonalist, famous for its unique landscapes of his native state of Northern California. He worked as an Illustrator for the newspaper "the Call" in San Francisco, then – head of the Department of arts "New York Journal" of William Randolph Hearst. Student Arthur Matthewsand William Merritt Chasewon his watercolor the bronze medal at Panama-Pacific international exhibition in 1915.

Features artist Henry Percy gray: the painter depicted are not devoid of romantic charm of the rural landscapes of California, surrounded in a light haze of oak and eucalyptus groves, bright lupine, poppies and other wildflowers. For creativity G. P. gray, the inimitable use of the watercolor is characterized by a unique perspective and an extraordinary atmosphere, created realistic and somewhat exaggerated in terms of light and colors transmission of natural colors. Often in his works can be found the theme of the sea – deserted beaches and cold rocks, which breaking waves of the restless sea. Authorship G. P. grey owns several portraits of Indians of the southwest of America and engravings.

Famous paintings of Henry Percy gray"Big oak", "Spring landscape with eucalyptus trees", "Oaks and lupine", "California ranch", "Poppies and lupine in bloom. CA", "Near Burlingame".

Creative artist

British by birth, G. P. gray was the 13th artist in his family. Almost all his life associated with California – picturesque state, which favored the development of his special talent for landscape painting.

In childhood showing their creativity at the age of 16 G. P. grey became a pupil at the California school of design, and later, a staff artist of the newspaper San Francisco. In 1985, he went to new York, where for 11 years he was head of Department of art in the largest newspaper publisher of the time William R. Hearst competed with Pulitzer. Night-time G. P. grey has dedicated his training in the League of art students, where he became acquainted with William M. chase, had a lifelong influence on the artist's work with his own theories of landscape painting.

Returning to his native town in 1906, he continued his career as an Illustrator for the magazine "San Francisco Examiner", and in 1907 exhibited his first works, representing the sea, which subsequently gave way to eucalyptus groves and wildflowers that are the hallmark of the artist.

Moving in 1912 to Burlingham, and after his marriage in 1923 – Monterey and Marin, could not but affect the work of G. P. gray, the landscapes of which were to dominate the cypress trees and the sea. After his wife's death in 1951, the artist returns to hometown, where he dies in his Studio from a heart attack in 1952.
The late period of creativity of the painter is characterized by darker than in his earlier works, tones and mood.

The artist's paintings adorn many collections, including the Crocker Art Museum and Stanford Museum of art.
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