Davidovich Baranov-Rossine

Ukraine • 1888−1944

Vladimir Davidovich Baranov-Rossine (Hebrew name — Shulim wolf the Life of sheep, the pseudonym Daniel Rossiné; January 1, 1888, Kherson — 1944, Auschwitz) — master of Russian avant-garde painter, draftsman and sculptor.

In 1902-1903 he studied in Odessa. In 1903-1907 — in St. Petersburg Academy of arts.

In 1910 he went to Paris, where he organized an exhibition in the Salon of independents.

In 1912, together with Marc Chagall, Osip Zadkine, Alexander Archipenko, Chaim Soutine becomes an inhabitant of the famous Parisian house "Beehive", participates in the Paris salons under the pseudonym of Daniel Rossine.

During the First world war he lived in Norway, where he held his first solo exhibition.

After the February revolution he returned to Russia and participated in the avant-garde movement. In 1918, set up shop at the former Academy of arts in Petrograd.

Developing the ideas of A. N. Scriabin, created "option" (type "color" of the piano) — the device with a system of keys that allow to project on a screen more than three thousand shades of the spectrum. Two svetopisny concert was given in 1923-1924 in the theaters of Meyerhold and Bolshoi theatre in Moscow.

In 1925 he emigrated to France (Paris).

In 1943 arrested by the Gestapo, deported, died in concentration camp.

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