Ivanovich Frenzy

Russia • 1825−1913

Biografie und Informationen

[18.(30)X. 1825 - 17(30).IX.1913] Race. in CL. Borisovka in Kursk province. He studied at the Kursk gymnasium. In 1843 an auditor student at the Academy of fine arts. He studied with K. P. Briullov. In 1846 he received the title of class artist of historical and portrait painting. Working in Ukraine: he taught drawing at the Nezhin gymnasium, then at two high schools and real school in Kharkov. Among his students were G. I. Siemiradzki, S. I. Vasilkovsky, P. A. Levchenko, and others In the 1850 - 1860s often came to visit relatives Kursk region, which was the result of the painting "the Outskirts of the settlement from the high road", "Rural landscape", "Morning", etc. B. Known as the Illustrator of the works of A. S. Pushkin, M. Y. Lermontov, N. Gogol and Vasily Zhukovsky. He died in Kharkov. The entire artistic heritage B. his wife was transferred to the Kharkiv Museum of fine arts. In case of fire the building of the Museum during the second world war in occupied Kharkov, a large number of his watercolors were killed. The artistic legacy of B. now comprise of the painting "the marriage proposal on Goncharovka", "self-Portrait" (1846), "Bandura player", "Icon with three saints", "fields" and several others paintings, as well as a small number of watercolors and drawings, which are in Kharkiv art Museum, the Museum of Ukrainian fine arts in Kyiv and Sumy art Museum.

Lit.: "Artists of the USSR", a Bibliographical dictionary. M., 1970, p. 324.