(Bogachev) Nina
Pavlovna Babkina

Russia • geboren in 1941

Born in the village Ilinskoe-Khovanskoye Ivanoski region. Member of the Union of artists of Russian Federation since 1974. In 1956-1961, he studied at the Palekh art school. Teacher - V. I. Astakhov, V. T. Bondarenko, A. V. Kotuhin, F. A. Yurtsev. From 1961 worked at the Palekh art-production workshops.

Was engaged in monumental painting. In 1991-1992, he participated in the creation of the iconostasis of the Church of Elijah the Prophet in Palekh. Themes of works: folklore, genre scenes. Participant of exhibitions since 1967.

Work N.P.Bogacheva (Babkina) are stored in museums: gmpi, Umgeni, Ivanovo OC, Pgaas, HF Russia, the Ministry of culture of Russia.

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