Vladimir Nikolaevich

Ukraine • 1847−1911

Biografie und Informationen

Student of the Academy of arts in 1864 Received medals: 1870 – 2 silver for the "project of a country club" and a big incentive for the "calculation of the stability of the stone Church"; in the same year he graduated from the course Sciences; in 1871 – 1 silver for "the project of the concert hall". In 1891 the title of class artist of 3 degrees. In 1892, the title of academician. Oversaw the strengthening of the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev, built in Kyiv: the monument to Nicholas I and to Bogdan Khmelnitsky and St. Nicholas Cathedral in the fence Pokrovsky coenobitic monastery. One of the founders of the Kiev school of Art and its Director since 1901


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