
Ukraine • Kiev • geboren in 1979 • künstler

Biografie und Informationen

Darius Meeting
Ukraine, Kiev

• 3rd place on Ukrainian Art Week (2016)
• 1st place in the category of "Decorative painting" Talent Energy Fest (2017)
• Award for contribution to women's art the name of Berthe Morisot (2017)

• "New Faces in Art" -2016 (Ukrainian Art Week)
• WOMAN'S ESSENCE -2017 (MUSA International)

Solo exhibitions
• "20 words about internal freedom" 2015 (Ukraine)
• "Not only blue" , 2016 (Ukraine)
• "Art is the new black" , 2017 (Ukraine) - preparing

Group exhibition
• “Autumn colors”, 2016 (Ukraine)
• Group exhibition “Art saves lives”, 2016 (Ukraine)
• “On seven hills”, Ukrainian Art Week, 2016 (Ukraine)
• (online) Blue, gallery Colors of Humanity, 2016)
• (online) Artist Portfolio Magazine – 2017
• All-Ukrainian Christmas competition, Talent Energy, 2016 (Ukraine)
• WOMAN'S ESSENCE , 2017 (France)

Painting came into my life at a time when I was at the peak of exhaustion and frustration. I had a successful career, experience, skills and even your own business. But the world around me was colorless, and the happiness was gone over the far off distance. I realized that I needed to change something.
To paint I always wanted. But I wanted as much as they want at the present time: lazy, passive and even fearful of looking at your dream from afar. Why fearfully? Because in my head chanting all of our usual "where are you going, where people all my life learning and then...", "nobody starts in 36", "you don't like", "you fail" etc.
So I continued to want until March 19, 2015, I came to the store for artists and asked them to "give me everything I need for oil." They gave. Half of the "whole" is intact, but if you came unprepared, then he is guilty. I came home, put the canvas on the window sill and well, its blue paint smear. What's what and how - no idea, and then operating on instinct. When the husband came home, he found a blue dog, I, sill, window and wardrobe.
The first 3 months I used to draw just with your fingers. Then, gradually switched to fingers+rag. Then there was the palette knife and a rag, then just a palette knife. Then – though very rarely – brushes. Favorite colors and shapes changed as rapidly as the plots and meanings. One thing remained the same – a limitation of my company. Every day that you can't do but 2-3 hours kindly dedicate dream.
After a couple of months I realized that 2-3 hours is not enough, and the oil I too was not enough. Began to carve out 10-15 minutes wherever I could to draw everything that comes to hand: watercolor, pen, pencil, charcoal, ink. I wanted to draw more and more and more. No courses, teachers, schools – just a great desire, which then began to layered articles, books, videos, and insider tips. But first, just a crazy kind of passion and gluttony. I was technically harder than the people who are specifically trained to draw, but psychologically easier: I didn't know how to, therefore, without complexes tried all the ways and receive pleasure from the process, passing the station of fear for their own standards.

It took a year and a half, and now I draw 12 hours a day. I tried different techniques and materials: graphics, watercolor and pastels. But most of all I was attracted by the oil.
At first I did not have a clear understanding of the ultimate goal, but today I can tell you about your destiny as an artist. I sincerely believe that we are surrounded by an invisible ocean of beauty, perfection and pure art, and artists have a special vision that allows them to see it. I believe that the mission of the artist – become the perfect guide, the bridge to that invisible ocean. Artists share this perfect beauty, in whatever it is embodied.
I really don't like when the artist forgets this noble mission and revels in his ego, when he begins to exalt your greatness and praise talent when trembling on their paintings and other art objects, such as the miser wants to hide them, not allow them to go out into the world, into someone else's life. My goal is to constantly developing your skills to pass the everlasting beauty that I see, without distortion.
When I paint, I feel like a child again. I dipped into it a simple and carefree time when the rain made me as happy as the sun, when the sadness quickly disappeared and discoveries were endless. I would like to look at my paintings, people can feel true happiness, enjoyed the bright and more satisfying life! And one more thing. I would like them to believe in themselves a bit more, seeing that my dream comes true!