
Pietro Anderloni — (ital. Pietro Anderloni; 1784 - 1849), Italian engraver on copper.

Pietro Anderloni was born on 12 Oct 1784 in Santa Efimia (Euphemia (Heilige)), in Brescia.
First Pietro diligently studied the art of engraving from his older brother, Anderloni Faustino (1766-1847; Faustino Anderloni), and P. Palazzi. At the age of nineteen Anderloni went to Milan, where he entered the school of Giuseppe Longhi and worked under his leadership for nine years, having accumulated invaluable experience and skills.
After leaving Milan Pietro Anderloni went to the Italian capital city; in 1824, again visited Rome.
In 1831 Anderloni was Director of the engraving school in Milan, replacing the post of his teacher Giuseppe Longish.
Pietro Anderloni died 13 Oct 1849 at his estate Cabiate near the city of Milan.
In the early XX century "Encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Efron" were evaluated Anderloni contribution to world culture[2]:
"His prints are very famous portraits of Appiani, L. da Vinci, Longish, Canova, and Peter the Great; and "Moses with the daughter of a priest Yitro at the well" by Poussin; "Madonna with angels" by Titian; "Christ with cross" with Calisto da Lodi and "the Holy family" by Raphael, in Staffordshi gallery, and "Madonna" by Raphael is in the Vienna gallery; the most prominent of his works is considered to be the "Christ and the sinner", with paintings by Titian, "Flight of the Heliodorus and Attila the Hun," with Rafael (1837). Prints Anderloni characterized by simplicity and nobility of the layout and an amazing transfer of flavor. — A. Faustino, brother of the preceding, was born in Santa Efimia, engaged in engraving in Pavia, making prints, mainly for works on natural history. Worked together with his son-in-law Garavalia. † 9 Jan 1847 in Pavia. Of his prints are very famous portrait of herder with original Kugelgen and "Magdalene in the desert" with Correggio. Highly appreciated is also the "Holy Family" with paintings by Raphael, located in Naples, "the Holy Family" by Poussin; "Mater amabilis" with Sassoferrato, bridzhuoterskaya "Madonna" of Raphael.
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