Vitaly Ivanovich Chernogalov was born on January 12, 1970 in the city of Mogilev, Belarus. From 1980 to 1985 he studied at the school with a specialized architectural and artistic bias. Professional education received in Suzdal Art Restoration School (now Suzdal branch of SPbGUKI), specializing as an artist-restorer of oil and tempera paintings, museum curator (1989) Teachers: O.M. Revin, A.S. Tugolukov, N.N. Paramonova. In the 1990s worked as a restorer of paintings of private collections. He became interested in watercolor in his student years.
Watercolor is called a feeling captured in color, so great is its potential. Work in watercolor is impossible without high professionalism. It is always creativity, always improvisation. All these statements refer to the watercolors of Vitaly Chernogalov.
The works of this artist are characterized by a high culture of writing. He subtly feels color, coloring. His watercolors are laconic, tightly composed, have a clear emotional range, free from plastic mannerism.
With his work the artist continues the traditions of Russian realistic watercolor. Most of his works are executed in the raw technique, "a la prima", showing all the beauty and richness of this material.
Drawing inspiration from the motifs of his native land, his works reveal to the viewer the unique charm of the Central Russian landscape, being able to find new intonations and fresh imagery in the most ordinary landscapes of the Russian countryside. The main distinguishing features of Chernogalov's work can be considered lyricism, striving for a whole, devoid of random details artistic image.
Since 2019. Vitaly Chernogalov is a member of the International Federation of Watercolorists, a member of the Union of Watercolorists of Russia. In 2019 he was included in the fifty best artists according to the results of the GAWA Global International Of Watercolor Artist competition.
Since 2013 he is a regular participant of regional, regional and all-Russian art exhibitions.
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