Dmitrievich Kozhayev

Graphist. He studied at the Moscow Art School of 1905 (1958-1960). Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.Member of exhibitions: regional (1970,1975); Zonal (1974,1980); Republican (1972,1977,1981); All-Union (1973); Foreign (Burma,Switzerland,Czech SSR,MNR,Iraq, 1971);Foreign (GNR,Ceylon,USA, 1972); foreign (GDR, Cyprus, Canada, Yugoslavia, MNR, Iraq, 1973) His art, recognized and popular in the 60-70-ies of the 20th century, is remembered by many connoisseurs of art and almost unfamiliar to younger generations. His works were kept in the collections of IOHM, at private individuals, but, alas, did not meet with a wide audience.
Sergey Kozhayev worked in different techniques and genres. This, a very talented man, did not reveal to the full, he passed away early in life, all his potential creative possibilities. He had a remarkable temperament, his own view of the world and man, a strong, energetic manner of writing, mastery of compositional and coloristic solutions. Portrait works reflect the everyday monotony mixed with the poster pathos of socialist realism. They are also marked with the stamp of time. С. Kozhayev was imbued with intuition, with the ability to penetrate into the psychology and understand the inner essence of his models. The male images are restrained and severe. Children's portraits are natural, expressive, painted with warmth and sympathy, but there is also an unchild-like seriousness and lack of smiles, as if life had already infected them with adult concerns and worries. But Portrait of a Contemporary brings a different emphasis to the portrait gallery: the triumph of femininity, youth and freshness, beauty and charm. Femininity overcomes the dull ordinariness
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