Lucas van
Leiden (Luke of Leiden)

Netherlands • 1494−1533

Lucas van Leyden, Luke Leyden, Lucas, Huygens (Lucas van Leyden)(gg 1489 or 1494-1533), Dutch painter and engraver, born in Leyden. Studied painting with Cornelis Engelbrechts; at an early age mastered the art of printmaking and worked in Leiden and Middelburg. In 1522, entered the Guild of St. Luke in Antwerp, and later returned to Leiden, where he died in 1533.

Lucas van Leyden, nicknamed the Luke of Leiden, Dutch painter and engraver of the Renaissance. Studied with his father, Hugo ACOPS and K. Engelbrechts. Worked in Leiden; in 1521-1522 visited Antwerp, 1527 - Middelburg. In the early period of creativity Luke Leyden worked as a master of engraving on copper (“Mohammed and the monk Sergius”, 1508), later turned to etching and woodcuts, was influenced by Albrecht dürer. In his paintings, Luke Leyden sought to combine the truthfulness and accuracy of the individual figures and parts to create a holistic, life-expressive scenes, with a sense of life as a complex, dynamic and contradictory phenomena. A deep interest in human individuality, the search for psychological expressiveness of the images give them the traits of emotional intensity and inner emotions (“Saint Anthony”, 1511, Museum of ancient art, Brussels). Luke Leyden engravings peculiar to expressive accurate, somewhat nervous figure (“Korovnitsa”, copper engraving, 1510). Luke Leyden wrote genre scenes (“chess Game”, circa 1510, a Picture gallery, Berlin-Dahlem),

Leiden playing cards



Playing cards, 1508-1510

National gallery, Washington

Leiden Saint Jerome



Saint Jerome, 1515-1516

Picture gallery, Berlin


wonderful life freshness portraits (self-portrait, circa 1514, the Museum of the Duke Ulrich of Braunschweig). Inherent in the art of Luke Leiden elements of carnival, colorful, cheerful sincerity was evident in his later works, when he turned to the techniques of Romanism (“the Healing of the blind man of Jericho”, 1531, the Hermitage, St. Petersburg).

Picture of Lucas van Leyden's “the card Players”.

A group of men and women dressed in fashionable felt hats and colourful dresses sitting around the table playing a card game. Others stand by and watch or take a more active interest in what is happening. This charming picture with its wealth of bright colours and considered composition fresh and attractive. An excellent draftsman, van Leyden liked to portray intriguing scenes of everyday life. At the age of nine years he learned painting on glass, and just a year later became a professional engraver. It is believed that his teacher was the father, but all father's work lost. Van Leyden with Mabuse made a trip through Flanders, arranging banquets in honor of local artists; he also visited Italy. In his numerous engravings on wood and metal, you can see the influence of Albrecht dürer. It is believed that van Leyden was the first to use K copper instead of iron.

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