Polyphony: Modern Printed Graphics of the Republic of Korea

Ausstellung 21 Juli − 22 August 2021
on July 20 at 17.00 in the Main Enfilade of the Primorsky State Picture Gallery the opening of the exhibition of modern printed graphics of the Republic of Korea will take place. The exhibition includes more than 40 works by 25 artists of different generations, representing a wide range of artistic directions and creative pursuits in this type of art, dynamically developing in the country since the 1950s.

The works have been created in various techniques of printmaking, including traditional Korean woodcuts, linocuts, lithographs, etchings, mezzotints, aquatints, silkscreens and collagraphs. Some authors give preference to the latest digital technologies, others turn to a complex combination of different graphic techniques and methods to achieve the intended artistic effects. Whatever the technique, all works are distinguished by their brilliance and artistry, the stamp of high intellectual culture and sensitive, sophisticated emotional thinking.

The exhibition was prepared with the participation of Professor Lim Yeongil, president of the Korean Contemporary Prints Association, and together with the vice presidents of this major creative association, renowned printmakers Lee Jonghan and Jeong Hongjo.

During the exhibition the artist, head of the Children's Museum Center of the Picture Gallery Olga Asaevich will hold author's master classes for children and family audience, introducing the techniques of engraving. A creative meeting and a master-class of the artist Gennady Kungurov and a meeting dedicated to Korean literature and Korean pages of Vladivostok history will take place.

We thank the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Vladivostok, the Union "Primorskaya Chamber of Commerce and Industry," the company AXA MOTORS CO, LTD for supporting the project.

The exhibition will run until August 22.

Main Enfilades, 12 Aleutskaya St.

The cost of a single ticket to the Main Enfilades: 250 rubles - adults, 150 - students and pensioners, 100 - schoolchildren.

No age restrictions.

For information: (423) 241-06-10