Yesterday, Today and Always. Odessa in the collection of Vadim Morokhovsky

Ausstellung 18 Juni − 26 September 2021
A large-scale exhibition opened at the Odessa Museum of Modern Art "Yesterday, Today and Always. Odessa in the Collection of Vadim Morokhovsky".

The exhibition, which gathered many works of fine art, numismatics and other artifacts related to the culture and finances of Odessa, the museum team dedicates to the 50th anniversary of the founder of the ISIO, philanthropist and public figure Vadim Morokhovsky. The exhibition is so large that it includes ten independent thematic blocks, each of which has its place in a separate hall.

Visiting the project, the viewer will be able to make a kind of journey through the eras, thanks or in spite of which, the art and culture of Odessa was formed, trace the development of social relations in different periods of history: how from bonds and paintings, banknotes and sculptures, coins and etchings society came to digital tokens, virtual assets and crypto-art. Among the authors represented at the exhibition: B. Anisfeld, V. Baranov-Rossini, D. Widgof, S. Delaunay, M. Zhuk, K. Kostandi, B. Kosarev, R. Nudelman, P. Nilus, A. Nurenberg, M. Pavlyuk, A. Stylianudi, A. Fazini, A. Feder, T. Frayerman, P. Schwarz and many others.

Prepared according to the materials of the website Odessa Museum of Modern Art.