Living matter

Ausstellung 2 September − 10 Oktober 2021
The State Tretyakov Gallery, together with the Polytechnic Museum and the Triumph Gallery, present a group exhibition "Living Substance."the exhibition is a continuation of the tradition of experimental exhibitions in the West Wing of the New Tretyakov Gallery, which demonstrate to the public the most important trends of contemporary art and science society.

The exhibition includes over 300 works by 55 artists from Russia, Denmark, France, Sweden, Finland, Holland, USA, Italy, Japan, Turkey and other countries.

This large-scale exhibition project aims to provide an artistic reflection on the changes taking place in the planet's ecosystem, as well as the role of humans in these processes.
The title of the project refers to the philosophical legacy of the Russian scientist Vladimir Vernadsky (1863-1945), whose ideas remain in demand in today's discussions. Vernadsky was one of the first to see man as a "geological force" and formulated the concept of the biosphere as "living matter" - "the entire community of organisms, plant and animal, including man. He proposed to perceive the development of the planet as a holistic process, and to consider man and nature in its unity. Based on these ideas, Vernadsky proposed solutions to global environmental problems, many of which remain relevant today.

Prepared according to the materials of the official website State Tretyakov Gallery.