100 years later. Kyriac Costandi

Ausstellung 1 Oktober − 27 November 2021
Odessa Art Museum opened an exhibition "100 years later. Kyriac Costandi".

The exhibition includes works that have long been in the museum's collections; numerous sketches; archival photos and documents, as well as the work of contemporary artist Vasily Dmitrik. In parallel with the well-known events of Kostandi's creative and pedagogical activities, the project will reveal important moments of his personal life.

Kiriak Kostandi (1852-1921) was one of the most outstanding artists of the 19th - early 20th centuries in Odessa. He not only created many paintings, but also trained almost all the young Odessan artists of his time; he was the co-founder of the Association of South-Russian Artists. The exhibition coincides with the 100th anniversary of his death.

Prepared according to the materials of the website Odessa Art Museum.

Galleries at the exhibition