The power of art. Overdue anniversary

Ausstellung 10 September − 15 November 2021
Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow, presents a solo exhibition of the ElyCook art group "The Power of Art. Overdue Jubilee".

With the unfailing irony inherent in the authors and permeating all the exhibitions shown at the museum without exception, they immediately puzzle the viewer with a dozen questions, such as: "Can art's power be measured in newtons?", "How much can it amount to in terms of horsepower?", "How does the force applied to art affect its value?", "Is it more accurate to liken art to electricity and measure its power in amperes?" To help the public answer these questions, the YeliKuka art duo invented simulators especially for the exhibition: using canvases as weights, one can exercise one's muscular strength, while another checks the impact force and traces the dynamics of growth or decline in the relative value of art. At the same time, you'll have to use your intellect - to take advantage of new inventions, you'll have to join the game seriously and "rack your brains".

The authors ironically rhyme Arte Povera with Caravaggio and measure the power of art in calories, grams, newtons and horsepower. In the exhibition, horses leap off the canvas, doors open, and the bar is weighed down by balloons.

Prepared according to the materials of the website MAMM.