Russian Empire

Ausstellung 3 Dezember 2021 − 1 März 2022
The State Historical Museum (SHM) presents a large exhibition project "Russian Empire.".

The exhibition of over 400 exhibits includes ceremonial portraits of Russian emperors, military and court coats, awards for services to the Fatherland and the Emperor, as well as church utensils and objects of temple decoration - obligatory attributes of the sacred action, emphasizing the inseparability of Orthodoxy and the imperial authority.

The exhibition demonstrates the history of the development of the Russian Empire and reveals the main problems associated with the political and territorial structure of the state: authoritarian power, vast territory, multinationality, significant socio-economic potential, the presence of a strong regular army as a guarantor of security and the church as a social and spiritual pillar of the state.

Prepared on the basis of gIM site.