Ausstellung 29 Juli − 3 August 2022
From July 29th to August 3rd, an exhibition of the participants of the independent art association was held at the Liniya Space (SPB) ASM-CLUB.COM - "The Perfect Summer .

The theme of the exhibition is the answer to the question, "What is the perfect summer?"

160 artists from around the world presented their scenarios for a beautiful season.

You don't know if any of the authors' visions will match yours, but you do know that there is a way to test it by coming to the exhibition.

The artists performed all the expositions in different painting techniques and styles, and the organizers of the event are the founders of the club, Tamara Tanatarova and Anastasia Strizhkova.

the exhibition was held from July 29 to August 3 in the space "Lines" on Vasilevsky Island.
Unknown artist. Group exhibition
Group exhibition
All artworks at the exhibition

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