Festival of Media Poetry "VENTILATOR"

Ausstellung 19 Dezember 2009
One of the festival's tasks is to prove the right to the existence of media poetry as a full-fledged genre of art, simply by showing that this genre already exists and is developing in a variety of forms. More and more often not professionals, but just people who are fond of video shooting, shoot amateur movies and post them on the Internet, show them to their friends, and give them to their loved ones. Poets gather for "apartments" and "streets" and read unknown, never published poems. Musicians play on the streets and record music in kitchens. For the first time in the history of printing, samizdat suddenly overtakes traditional publishers in the number of book titles. People compose poems and melodies, make movies, post them on the Internet, send them by text, draw and write poems on wallpaper, on walls, on roads, on fences, on backpacks, on themselves, on the sky.... There's so much of it all... And it's really great to have it. It's just there. It is there because it is there. From the very existence and beating of life!
We want to give this life a chance to continue in our festival and give those involved in poetry-related creative endeavors a chance to come and look at each other, share their work, rejoice, argue, and maybe even start something new, undiscovered.

mediapoetry.org/concept.html" target="_blank">Why do we need our festival?