Allegory of gluttony and voluptuousness

Hieronymus Bosch • Malerei, 1490-er , 34.9×31.4 cm
Digital copy: 1.7 MB
2737 × 3000 px • JPEG
31.4 × 34.9 cm • 218 dpi
46.3 × 50.8 cm • 150 dpi
23.2 × 25.4 cm • 300 dpi
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Über das Kunstwerk
Kunstgattung: Malerei
Motiv und Objekte: Genre-Szene, Allegorische Szene
Technik: Öl
Materialien: Baum
Erstellungsdatum: 1490-er
Größe: 34.9×31.4 cm
Das Kunstwerk befindet sich in den ausgewählten Sammlungen: 24 selections
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Bildbeschreibung «Allegory of gluttony and voluptuousness»

Board "Allegory of gluttony and voluptuousness" it is considered a fragment the lost triptych "the Seven deadly sins" (presumably the lower third of the left inner panel). To the top of this panel include the work "Ship of fools". Another lost panel of the triptych may have been "Death of a miser" and external doors - "The traveler". So now the four surviving fragment of the triptych are not only in different museums, but on different continents: "Ship of fools" moored in the Louvre, a little village settled in Rotterdam, the Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, "the death of the miser" is spelled out in the National gallery of art in Washington, and "Allegory" - Art gallery of Yale University in Connecticut.
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