Questions fréquentes

Cette section rassemblent les réponse aux questions les plus fréquemment posées lors de l'utilisation d'Artchive.
Si vous n'avez pas trouvé la réponse à votre question, contactez le service d'assistance


1. How much is artwork delivery?
The seller sets the price and indicates the amount on their page. Delivery prices may vary depending on destination.

2. What if delivery price is not specified at the artwork page?
You will need to contact the seller directly.

3. How does a seller set the delivery price?
When adding an artwork check the box "Sales - Original", then a field will appear to select delivery destination. Specify the destination, delivery price or select "Free delivery"

4. How to specify delivery prices for various regions?
At the artwork page in Delivery item press "+" near destination selection line. Another line will appear, where you can specify a new destination and set another delivery price. You can set as many destinations as you feel necessary.

5. Can I change delivery conditions for previously added artworks?
Yes, you can edit an artwork at any time and change delivery conditions too.